Being a US Citizen living outside the USA I get alot of interesting and sometimes StRAngE questions/comments on the USA from people in other countries. Thought I'd share some of them with you.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

200 what?!?

You know, I've had some strange illnesses in my travels... pneumonia in Moscow, amoebic dysentery in India, Dengue fever in Thailand, and something that didn't even have a name in Mongolia to name the most annoying, but this news article beats my best with both hands tied behind its back...

A woman in London, England has an illness/condition that causes her to have orgasms constantly. Pretty much at the drop of a hat. Apparently, anything that gets her excited or emotional, or causes vibration, or buzzes, or walks-talks-and-breaths... pretty much ANYTHING... can cause her to have an orgasm!

You've got to read this article!

All I can says is of all the illnesses in all the world... this one's not too bad!

PS: and she's pretty darned attractive too... maybe she could go to work for Pfizer - I hear their looking for Quality Control test subjects. ;-)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This could only happen to a woman as we men would eventually suffer some sort of fatal dehydration if we were constantly having orgasms. Figures!!


5:02 PM

Blogger Samantha Alice said...


I just have bursitis.

5:26 PM


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