Being a US Citizen living outside the USA I get alot of interesting and sometimes StRAngE questions/comments on the USA from people in other countries. Thought I'd share some of them with you.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Fight Club... age 3???

My son was in a fight recently. A real fists flying, pugilistic, feat of fisticuffs. Kids (boys especially) get in fights every-now-and-then... it's normal. But is it normal for that to happen when they are 3 years old???

For those of you who remember the original "Bad News Bears" with Walter Matthau and Tatum O'Neal, the kid named Tanner was running through my head when I heard about the fight. Mainly because the other kid was older.

Apparently the other boy pushed him out of the sandbox. Nicky went and pushed him back. The other boy swung and hit him on the arm in retaliation and Nicky knocked his block off. My wife and the other mother were there, and started running over yelling for them to stop, but at that point both boys were too focused on mutual annihilation to notice.

My wife says she was amazed as she was racing to stop it... Nicky was making a real fist and slugging it out throwing actual left/right combinations. The other boy was sticking it out, but was apparently on the worse end of the deal and crying. Nicky on the other hand was grim faced, red-cheeked, and hell bent for leather and had to be picked up and held to get him to stop.

Sadly I wasn't there. Luckily there were no major hurts, black eyes, or fat lips. Just injured pride.

Is it weird to be both proud of the win, and disappointed he was in a fight?

I don't want him to grow up to be a fighter, but I'm glad to know he can take care of himself on the playground if he has to.

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Blogger Biscuit said...

Is it bad that I laughed? It's such a funny mental image.

10:43 PM

Blogger Samantha Alice said...

It's not weird to have mixed reactions.

I encourage my kids to think for themselves, which comes back on me when they don't mindlessly obey my every command.

Part of me cheers them on, "Yeah, kiddo, don't take shit from nobody!"

10:50 PM

Blogger Suthnuh said...

Bisquick: YES! Exactly my point! I don't know if I should laugh or shout at him. :-D

Sam-o-rama: So I assume the "Because I'm your mother" reason doesn't work anymore? hahaha be careful what you wish for!

10:49 AM

Blogger KellyKline said...

Lol ... I wish *I* had been there to see it, too! I don't know ... sometimes you feel so torn as a parent. There have been many, many times when I've held back laughter when I *knew* I just had to get onto one kid or another. But, inside I was laughing my ass off.

5:26 AM

Blogger Siren said...

Reminds me of the poor kid in our class who picked a fight with my baby brother when we were in 3rd grade and he was in 1st. Les beat the crap outta him. The next day, so did I, telling him my little brother was just a baby and he better leave him alone.

Of course, Les was huge for his age. And of course, he had won the fight. But nobody besides me got to pick on him.

That was my only trip to the principal's office.

9:22 AM


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