Being a US Citizen living outside the USA I get alot of interesting and sometimes StRAngE questions/comments on the USA from people in other countries. Thought I'd share some of them with you.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Hypothetical things that make you go Hmmmm...

Wow! Okay. It really was a "hypothetical" question for my part. Love all the answers though. Especially the more logical/scientific approach Don and Kev put forward.

Interesting comments all, and I really appreciate that you all took so much time to write some lengthy and somewhat personal answers. Thank you!!!

I must admit to being 99.99% mono-amorous myself. But that niggling little .01% has reared it's unwelcome head twice in the 6 years I've been married. Though I've never acted on it.

When I met my wife the first time it was very much a metaphysical wonk on the head with the proverbial bananna peal (wrapped around a large gold brick)Thank you Douglas Adams

I very litterally felt the impact. It was one of the most profound experiences of my adult life. We didn't even speak a common language at the time, but it was a mutual event. I still get a portion of it sometimes when we are close. It's almost like some weird telekinetic blow.

Anyway, I had something almost the same but not quite as strong happen about 2 months ago with someone else, and again it was apparently a mutual experience. We didn't act on it other than to - without saying a word - both turn and find a place to go sit down for a minute and just stare at each other wondering what the hell was going on. We'll probably stay in touch, can't say that I'd want anything beyond that, but I must say it indeed raises quite a number of questions.

In my adult life, the experience my wife and I had when we first saw each other leads me to believe that Love at First Sight really happens. The event 2 months ago though... that's what made me think to ask the "hypothetical" question.

Just FYI... There was an interesting article from an Indian medical researcher about 2 years ago that provided some very in-depth data on human attraction. Apparently much of it is related to our olfactory (smell and taste) senses, but on a level that we don't even consciously recognize. If I can find it again, I'll post it for all to read. Though it still doesn't explain the telekinetic whammy.


Blogger Biscuit said...

Ahhhh...the telekinetic whammy! Perfect! That happened when I met Rob, but hasn't happened since. I have had crushes though.

6:25 PM

Blogger thehipster said...

I actually experienced something like that with Tim a guy I dated in college. We say each other across the room and just stared at each other. We dated for about a year.

3:21 AM

Blogger Memphis said...

Hmm, I don't have a sense of smell. Maybe that's been my problem all this time?

5:26 AM

Blogger cmhl said...

good for you for not acting on it!

9:32 PM


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