Being a US Citizen living outside the USA I get alot of interesting and sometimes StRAngE questions/comments on the USA from people in other countries. Thought I'd share some of them with you.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Sir Spamalot, Spamalicious, Spambalama, spamapalooza, spamtastic, spamasonic, spamacalifragilistic

Guess what I had for lunch today? U Got it... Spam! You know I had completely forgotten about Spam. That much maligned mystery meat product. Did you know they make low-fat Spam? I was afraid to try it when I saw it in the local grocery store here in Thailand when I saw it start appearing on the shelves about one month ago. I thought Spam had gone the way of Tab cola, and pet rocks, but I guess if the Chia Pet is still selling then why not Spam?

So, anyway the wife was interested in finding out what pre-processed meat in a can was like and we bought some. Took it home, fried it, toasted some bread to go with it... had it with cheese, tomato, mustard, cucumber... had it with jelly on a biscuit, had it a couple other ways. You know what? It was damn tasty! So what exactly is the deal with all the bad press about Spam over the years? Does anyone remember? I mean, people eat chicken McNuggets... that meat is as mysterious as it gets! We all eat lots of processed products with no redeeming value - who out there likes white bread? Uh-huh! See? Personally I hate white bread, but that's a topic for a different day.

Today... SPAM! Spamford and Son, Spama-lamma-ding-dong, Spamticipation, Spam-o-matic, make mine to go!


Blogger Biscuit said...

Oh, they still make TAB. My MIL drinks it, so I keep a 6 pack of it in the fridge. Buying TAB is more embarrassing than buying tampons, condoms, enemas, and douches all at once.

6:27 PM

Blogger thehipster said...

I wasn't sure they still made TAB (I used to like it until they decided it should taste like Pepsi and changed the flavor) and I liked spam as a kid but I haven't eaten it in years.

I have to agree we eat so many other processed foods why do we freak out at the thought of spam?

8:50 PM

Blogger Samantha Alice said...

Don fed my children spam while I was out of town. Ick. It's just....wrong....

7:52 PM

Blogger Siren said...

Great - now I keep hearing the SPAM skit from Monty Python in my head" "SPAM, SPAM,SPAM, eggs, bacon and SPAM..."

12:40 AM


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