Being a US Citizen living outside the USA I get alot of interesting and sometimes StRAngE questions/comments on the USA from people in other countries. Thought I'd share some of them with you.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Why I like Pattaya!!!

This is for my friends Steve, Pineapple, RK, Neal (who doesn't blog), Mikey (who doesn't blog), and Siren's husband whose name I don't know (and also doesn't blog).

Why I Like Living In Thailand:

In the immortal words of Fatboy Slim: "Yeah. It's like that."

24x7... 365!


Blogger Pam said...

So what is it you are tryin' to say with that lil ole video? (giggling)

9:03 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do the girls come with price tags? Looks like Fayetteville on a Saturday night.

10:59 PM

Blogger KellyKline said...

Yeah I can see why you'd like it.

But those girls are too skinny for *my* tastes!

11:51 PM

Blogger Siren said...

Thanks. Like Tim didn't already want to go to Thailand.

12:43 AM

Blogger Suthnuh said...

Lola: Um... me? Say sumpin?

Don: No. But some of them have bar codes, does that count??

Kelly: But not mine. :p heh heh

Siren: Always a pleasure to help my friends! :)

8:37 AM

Blogger Biscuit said...

I would so love to be spanked by an elephant...

8:36 PM

Blogger Siren said...

TAG! You're it! You'll have to read my blog to find out what the hell I've just tagged you with.

10:24 AM


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