Being a US Citizen living outside the USA I get alot of interesting and sometimes StRAngE questions/comments on the USA from people in other countries. Thought I'd share some of them with you.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Spring Break/Holiday

Hey everybody! Looks like I should be back in Huntsvegas for a week in April. I know a lot of you don't live there anymore, but it'd be great if we could do a mini-reunion between 8 April to 14 April. My wife Sunisa will be there as well, so it would be a chance for her to meet all of you (though maybe I should be scared of that prospect).

Lolalicious: YOU MUST BRING NEAL!!!

Samalicious: YOU MUST BRING DON!!! (I really want to meet him)

Bisquick: It would be great to finally meet Rob if he can come, and the kids since it's spring break.


Siren o'licious: YOU MUST BRING BETH LECHNER! (haha) Bring whatever you want, I just really hope you can make it!

Kelly o'licious: YOU MUST TAKE GAS-EX BEFORE YOU COME!!! Just bring yourself.

Nekkid Memphis Dude: YOU MUST BRING YOURSELF!!! Hope you can get away from work/Memphis for a weekend or something.

(all those words in caps should be shouted in a big booming voice by a giant floating green head with flames shooting up around it - ala Wizard of Oz, for the appropriate effect)

So the next questions, I think it would be great to do a picnic up on the mountain with kids and all (if the weather is okay), and then that night, if we can all get baby sitters, we big kids could all head down to The Corner, or some other suitable drinking establishment.



Blogger Biscuit said...

I'm there, dude! I have built-in babysitters since we stay with Mom and Dad when we are there :)

8:43 PM

Blogger Samantha Alice said...

Of course, I'll bring my man - he's even better in person, and he's pretty damn awesome in the blog world!

9:58 PM

Blogger Siren said...

I go to a Catholic school, and we have "Easter Break" April 13th - 16th. The soonest I could be there (if I can get away at all) would be to leave on the 12th and arrive on the 13th.

Don't hold me to it. I have no idea what the semester has in store for me!

11:12 PM

Blogger Suthnuh said...

JY: Cool! So I can finally meet your dude!

Sam: I am so looking forward to it. I've been lurking in Don's blog some as well... hmmm. That's not 100% polite though. I'll start leaving some comments too.

Siren: I understand if you can't make it, but it'd be great to see you if you can.

11:27 PM

Blogger KellyKline said...

I'm SO there. Count me in!

2:45 AM

Blogger thehipster said...

We'll be there. The picnic on the mountain sounds good too.

11:10 PM


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