Being a US Citizen living outside the USA I get alot of interesting and sometimes StRAngE questions/comments on the USA from people in other countries. Thought I'd share some of them with you.

Friday, April 28, 2006

I remember... part 2

And who could possibly forget the "Ty-D-Bowl Man"???

Who the hell thought up that ad gimmick? I remember thinking as a child "what happens to him when they flush the toilet?"

For those of you who don't know, the "Tidy Bowl Man" was this guy in a mini-yacht who floated around in toilets promoting "Ty-D-Bowl" toilet cleaner.

Picture if you will, a man floating gently on the subtly rocking waves of an inland sea, star gazing, with a direct upward view of Uranus waxing full. Suddenly the weather sours and a horrible acid rain pours in a torrent over the inland sea disturbing the waters and drenching the poor man in his tiny yacht. Without warning the night is shaken as airborn explosions rips through the sky followed by some unspeakable monstronsity falling from on high to smash the boat into pieces. The poor man survives. Stunned and barely coherent, he clings desperately to the flotsam which remains of his vessel - now covered in some horrifying gooey smears of space debri - swimming against the buffeting waves which remain from the impact. Desperate and dehumaized he cry's out, "Why me? Why oh why me?" when suddenly he feels a tow of the current and realizes the mass that fell from the sky must have shattered the ocean floor as wave upon wave rises from below, and crashes into him on his perilous perch. It begins as gentle flow, building to a roaring crescendo, spining and twirling him around with the remains of his craft. Desperately he paddles and kicks to escape, though he is indeed drawn inexorably closer to the gaping maw of a birthing Charybdis. His last thought on his way to the bottom and vanishing into some submarin hell is "My life, my world, my investment in that beautiful boat, sucked right down the drain!" and with a loud **blurrurururb** he's gone.

These are the thoughts that went through my head everytime I saw that guy in the little boat, floating around in the bottom of the toilet bowl. And people who lifted the lid always seemed so happy to see the little pervert!

What kind of sicko thinks of putting some guy in toilet to stare up at people taking a... well... you know. ??? Yuck!


Blogger Siren said...

Ewwwwwww! I always managed to avoid thinking of it that way. But the ads were pretty darned silly.

7:12 PM

Blogger Biscuit said...

Ew, don't go there! HA! Get it? GO!

11:07 PM

Blogger thehipster said...

You know for some reason I always thought he was in the back tank not the bowl. I guess that's how I ignored it.

1:01 AM

Blogger Samantha Alice said...

So, exactly how much of your time did you invest in worrying and wondering about this? 'Cause that would explain a lot!



8:23 PM


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