Don't be a hater!
The gauntlet has been thrown down. I have accepted the challenge. Remember, if the glove don't fit, you must acquit!
The Hate game... just like the Want game and the Need game. Well Kelly has decided to create the "Hate" game. Go to google and type in your name followed by the word "hate" the let the search run. Post your top 10 for all to see.
I did it (thanks to taking the Kelly Challenge) and here are my results:
Chris Hates...
Chris hates software. - Is Victoria's Secret considered soft-wear? I don't hate them!
Everybody hates Chris Not fair! This was actually 50% of the first 4 pages of listings!!! What's up with that??? I think Kelly knew this when she made up this damn game!
Chris hates me. - I hate me too and you probably deserve it. ;-P
Chris hates expansion - Yep. Fighting that middle age spread.
Chris hates people who use moustache wax - Especially when she kisses me. blech!
Chris Hates Gay Kids - Now who could possibly hate happy children?
Chris hates the state of Oklahoma - well, the musical anyway.
Chris hates marketing people - except for the really cute ones with the short skirts.
Chris hates Pete Townshend - No WAY! He's my mostest favoritest member of The Who! "Face Dances", "Let my love open the door" great songs!
Chris hates the progressive blogosphere - Um... all I know is that if Pro is the opposite of Con, then Progress must be the opposite of Congress. Does that count?
I just want you to know I had to go 10 pages deep into the google search to find 10 different hates. There are SOOOOO many people that hate me it took that many pages to find other hates! (apparently Chris Rock's "Everybody Hates Chris" show was a HUMONGOUS success)
Oh, I need one of those bras! That's perrrrrty!
"happy children"...*chuckle*
6:34 PM
JY: That is Adriana Lima, the sexiest, most sultry model in ANY catalog ANYWHERE! And yes the bra is nice too. :-)
8:52 PM
So am I forgiven now for not putting you down as one of the people who would reply to my tag the other day? 'Cuz, y'know, I made up this whole thing juuuuust for yooooou!
10:11 PM
KK: Awwwww... That's so sweet. I feel all warm-n-fuzzy inside... oh wait... no... that's just the tequilla. B-)
1:56 PM
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