Being a US Citizen living outside the USA I get alot of interesting and sometimes StRAngE questions/comments on the USA from people in other countries. Thought I'd share some of them with you.

Sunday, July 08, 2007


I'm so tired of the yahoos on capitol hill. It's really the "lifers" that get in there, and seem to stay there forever like Strom Thurmond did, that annoy me. This whole issue regarding immigration reform, border control, and what to do with the illegals already here is a stupid, moronic, complete and absolute cluster-fuck of people with no balls trying to please constituents that can't even vote.

People... they've broken the FUCKING LAW! That's why they are called ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS! What part of ILLEGAL do you not understand?

There is no question that many of them provide a needed service and an inexpensive labor force, but there is also no question that a large number of them do not.
  • They pay no taxes which means they don't contribute to national, state, or local infrastructure.

  • They pay no taxes which means they don't contribute to payment of national, state, or local law enforcement or other emergency services.

  • They pay no taxes which meanse they don't contribute to payment for our public school system.

  • If they are sick or injured and require urgent medical care, who pays for it? Taxpayers because they have no insurance.

  • If they are driving a vehicle and have an accident and people are hurt, who pays for it? The individual hurt because the ILLEGAL driver has no insurance.
My wife is a LEGAL immigrant. It took us THREE FUCKING YEARS of paperwork, appointments, large fees, and much patience to jump through all the USCIS (Immigration Department) legal hoops to get her Green Card. THREE YEARS! And these idiots in congress want to give a general amnesty to these 12 million people who've done exactly NOTHING to deserve it except BREAK THE LAW? NO.

Take a looks at this link from CNN and see if YOU still want to grant amnesty.

Absolutely lets fix the situation. But you guys on capitol hill can't see past your noses, and refuse to listen to the people who put you in office in the first place. But just in case, here's the solution:

1. Build a great big fucking wall from Port Isabel, Texas all the way to San Diego, California.
  • This isn't just to keep out farm and construction workers, this is to keep out drugs, weapons, terrorists, and other things we definitely don't want, but which cross the southern border daily.

  • Bring back chain-gangs, and build the wall using hard-time prison labor. Our prisons are overflowing, put the malcontents to some good use for all the tax dollars spent to feed, clothe, house, and educate them.
2. Grant the ones here a path to citizenship similar to that of the LEGAL immigrants.
  • Make them pay a penalty to at least partially compensate for the lack of taxes paid during their ILLEGAL adventure in our country.

  • Make them pay for the application and processing fees just like all the LEGAL immigrants

  • Make them take classes on US government and basic US history so they'll know what the USA is and stands for.

  • Make them learn to speak, read, and write ENGLISH! Come on, they use the same alphabet, it's not that hard! I worked in Mexico a total of about 3 months, what did I do? I made an effort to speak Spanish. I've lived in Thailand for 6.5 years, what have I done? I've learned to speak Thai (and they DON'T use an alphabet even remotely resembling English)

3. Creat a Guest-Worker Visa program

  • If you don't legalize it, you can't control it

  • Get them on the books

  • Get them a visa that grants them 1 year multi-entry and employment availability for the USA

  • Limit the types of professions the guest-worker visa can be used for... e.g. Agricultural and Light non-Industrial Construction.

  • Do not allow guest workers to work in Licensed professions. This includes driving, beautician, electrician, heavy equipment operation, welding, health care, etc.

  • Guest workers must be paid a national minimum wage. Keep in mind minimum wage still places people under the poverty income level.

  • Guest workers must pay taxes. I would suggest a reduced rate flate tax with the US and Mexican (or other government) sharing of the proceeds. Maybe a 75/25 split. With the 25% given to the foreign government being guaranteed for use on public education, and infrastructure improvements.

Bottom line is, we absolutely MUST regain control of our border if we are to remain safe in our homes. People in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, and California, but TX and AZ especially have people running through their yards, hiding in their sheds, and generally scaring the shit out of them on a regular basis either as they run from the border patrols or police on their way to find work, sell drugs and weapons, or just to have their baby in a US Hospital so their child can claim US Citizenship.

They've broken the law. They don't deserve special treatment. They aren't refugees escaping war, political or religious persecution. I've been to refugee camps in Africa and Thailand. I know the haunted looks of fear and desperation real refugees have. These ILLEGAL immigrants are just law breakers. Nothing else.

Let them come, but let them follow the legal process and enjoy the same rights and privileges and contribute to the common good just as we all do. It's the only way to ensure their own safety and equitable treatment, and the only way to ensure the security of our nation.


Blogger Samantha Alice said...

I'm so with you, and I don't understand why the legal Mexican immigrants put up with this.

5:13 PM


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