Being a US Citizen living outside the USA I get alot of interesting and sometimes StRAngE questions/comments on the USA from people in other countries. Thought I'd share some of them with you.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Political Games

With all the debates and other political hullabaloo going on, I figured it was my turn to jump on the band wagon.

I've always wondered why all our wonderfully neutered.... er... I mean neutral news media (News Papers, Blogs, TV, Internet, etc.) never just listed the straight shi... er... facts about which candidates believed, or at least professed to believe in what answer to what issues. Are they pro or con? Are they for it or against it? Don't give me all that analysis crap. I don't care about he-said she-said. Just tell me what the hell they stand for in short, concise, minimalistic, Politics-for-Dummies style.

It's great that all you journalists (tele-journalist, bloggist, paper journalists, etc.) get paid so much for talking about who said what; who's wearing a pin; slumber parties in the Lincoln bedroom; who wants us to save money; who wants us to spend money; and what you think of it. However, other than enjoying watching you all shout at each other on the tube, or reading the rumblings of some new media frenzied blog-war, you're not really helping us narrow it down. You don't need to tell us what you think every half hour. What we'd like is for you to display a checklist so we can see exactly which candidate is for and which candidate is against the issues that are important to us. You know us... the people who watch all those damn commercials so you can get paid so much money for telling us your opinion.

What's that? Really? Hang on a tick... Someone's finally done it? Someone has actually built it and it works???!!! HOLEY MOLEY! That's almost too useful for someone to actually give it too us. Free you say??? Someone did it, and it's free and you don't have to sign up or contribute to a campaign to use it?? Will wonders never cease?

Yes friends! Not only has someone constructed a listing of ALL the pre-primary Republican and Democrat candidates stands on the issues, they've made it interactive!!! You can answer a specific questionaire, and it will actually generate and display a list for you of every candidate and who is your best match according to your beliefs!!!!!

Not surprisingly.... here's my result:

I guess I know who I'm voting for. Sadly though, IMMIGRATION policy and reform is my number one issue. The only candidate that agrees with my on that item is a guy I've never heard of and doesn't match up with any of my other positions.

How'd I rate with the Democrats? Check this out...

You can take the quiz and find your candidate here:

So, some of you may agree, many of you may not. That's okay. I'm alright with differences of opinion. We don't always have to agree. Disagreeing doesn't mean we can't be friends. Does it?

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Blogger Siren said...

I find that the real problem with these quizzes is that they don't really let you assign weight to the issues. So I end up withskewed results that don't match up. One quiz evern put me as a Cucinich supporter! Even I think Cucinich is a liberal whacko.

I was a long-time middle-of-the-road Republican before the ultra-right started labeling those of us in the middle as liberal. Like they're doing with Giuliani, forcing him to prove that he's far enough to the right to be a Republican.

So I bailed. The tax-and-spend Democrats actually make more sense than the borrow-trillions-and-spend-spend-spend Republicans. Fred Thompson in particular scares the crap outta me. His campaign slogan should be, "Vote Thompson for More of the Same!"

I am leaning toward Obama right now, but Hillary has appeal. At least Mr. Clinton had a balanced checkbook when he left office.

8:14 AM

Blogger Crazy Lady said...

Well, it's not a perfect tool, but it's better than no listing at all... for now. :-)

My problem with the Dems is they can't seem to take a position and stick with it.

Hillary blasts Obama for saying he'll have talks with Iran, then suddenly she says she'll have talks with Iran??

Obama thinks a display of the US flag is a poor display of our patriotism?

Nobody's perfect, I agree, but Hillary gives me the heebie-geebies and Obama... I haven't quite figured him out yet.

10:24 PM

Blogger Memphis said...

I took the test and it said I should ask for a write-in ballot. That's what I figured.

1:00 PM


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